Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Why you need to know it ??
3 Types of APM monitoring tools :
- App Metrics based → It can inform us how many requests our app receives and which URLs are likely to be slow. They can’t tell us why, because they don’t do code level profiling.
- Code level performance → It can analyze our application based on code profiling and transaction tracing
- Network based → It can assess the performance of our application based on network traffic. There is a whole product category called NPM that focuses on these types of solutions.
Developers: 10 Critical Application Performance Management Features for you
- Every web request and transaction’s performance
- Performance profiling at the code level
- Usage and performance of all application dependencies like databases, web services, caching, etc (particularly SQL slow query, web services calls failing, etc)
- Individual web requests or transactions are traced in great (Detailed Web request info like URL, Who was the user, What dependencies did your code call [SQL, caching, HTTP calls, etc], Logging statements, Application errors & Key methods in your code etc..)
- Basic server monitoring and metrics like CPU, memory, etc
- Application framework metrics like performance counters, JMX MBeans, etc
- Custom applications metrics created by the dev team or business
- Application log data details
- Application errors
- Real user monitoring (RUM)
Common Use Cases for APMs
- Application Development
- Identifying Performance Bottlenecks
- Real-time Performance Alerts and Insights
- Monitor and Track End User Experience